Data Availability
and Use

The Australian Government's response to the Productivity Commission Data Availability and Use Inquiry

Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Digital Transformation, the Hon. Michael Keenan MP

Minister’s foreward

It is time now to go further—to transform the data system in Australia and the way data is made available and used.

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'Data volumes are exploding. In the past two years alone, more digital data has been created than in the entire history of the human race.'

Forbes (B. Marr), 2015

'Some 91% of Australians would be willing to share their de-identified medical data if it went towards research purposes.'

Research Australia, 2016



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The Consumer Data Right

The Consumer Data Right

Making it easier for consumers to use their data

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Governing the national data system

Governing the national data system

Balancing trust and opportunity

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Accredited Data Authorities

Accredited Data Authorities

Centres of expertise for the efficient and safe use and sharing of data

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Designated Datasets

Designated Datasets

Delivering significant community-wide benefit

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Improving Australia's current data system

Improving Australia's current data system

Building on our current initiatives to improve data availability and use

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New laws to improve access to data and use of data

New laws to improve access to data and use of data

A Data Sharing and Release Legislative Package

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