Accredited Data Authorities

Centres of expertise for the efficient and safe use and sharing of data

Productivity Commission Recommendations: 6.8, 6.9, 6.10, 6.12, 7.3.

The Productivity Commission recommended establishing Accredited Release Authorities as hubs of expertise to enable other datasets of public interest to be linked, shared or released.

These bodies would play an important role in supporting the linkage of datasets and deciding whether a dataset is made available for public release or limited sharing with trusted users.

'Accredited Release Authorities would play an integral role in facilitating trust and cooperation in the use and release of data.'

Productivity Commission 2017, Data Availability and Use Final Report

The Australian Government's response

The Australian Government agrees a network of Accredited Data Authorities will be integral to a reformed Australian data system. These Authorities will be catalysts for efficient and safe sharing and release of data.

In 2009, Australia’s National Statistical Service instituted an administrative process to accredit agencies to serve as 'Integrating Authorities' for data being brought together to create more valuable, statistical and research datasets. The Government will enact similar governance arrangements for Accredited Data Authorities in a data sharing and release legislative package.

Accredited Data Authorities will engage with data custodians and users on matters relating to data availability and use. Data sharing agreements between data custodians, Accredited Data Authorities and data users will be a key part of the governance framework. These agreements will articulate risk management processes to effectively assess and manage the risks associated with sharing and release of data for which they are responsible. That said, accountability for the risks of sharing and releasing data will remain with data custodians.

Accredited Data Authorities and data custodians will work together to implement a trusted user framework along the lines of the Five Safes model developed in the United Kingdom, which is widely accepted as international best practice.